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Nicaragua celebrates Cuban victory at UNGA’s vote

Managua, Nov 2 (Prensa Latina) Members of the State Mission, Cuban residents and friends celebrated on Thursday by crying out “Long Live Cuba, and End the U.S. Blockade” the victory at UNGA’s vote on the lifting of the U.S. blockade against Cuba.

In statements to Prensa Latina, retired Nicaraguan Army Brigadier General Cesar Largaespada stressed the significance of this triumph at UNGA, and urged solidarity organizations to carry out further concrete actions against the U.S. policy.

Largaespada described Cuban victory as fair and necessary, and called on Cuba’s friends to renew daily efforts to help put an end to the genocidal and criminal measure imposed by Washington.

“While we collaborate with Cuba in everything we can do, we have to continue fighting, so that all this international framework system to smother the Cuban economy ceases, that is Nicaraguans’ commitment,” he underscored.

For the 31st consecutive time, Cuba submitted at UNGA the draft resolution “Necessity of putting an end to the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States.”

This time, 187 countries voted in favor of the resolution presented by Cuba, while two (the United States and Israel) voted against it, and only one (Ukraine) abstained.

Official figures show that for 60 years the damages caused by the blockade imposed on Cuba are amounted to over USD$1,3 trillion.
