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Cuba’s family medicine guarantees the population’s health

Havana, Nov 2 (Prensa Latina) Family Medicine is of vital importance in Cuba, where the individual, his/her family and the community are cared for, thus guaranteeing the population's health, Yilian María Pérez, a specialist in General Comprehensive Medicine, said.

This section in the field of Medical Sciences can be considered a great achievement of Cuba, thanks to a multifactorial and multisector system enriched by large health programs, and several levels of care that includes promotion, prevention, healing and rehabilitation.

Among the triumphs are the immunization of almost 100% of the population against several diseases, including the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes Covid-19, Pérez told Prensa Latina in the context of the 3rd National Congress of Family Medicine which is taking place in the capital’s Convention Palace.

Compared to other nations, the Caribbean island has low mortality and morbidity rates, said Perez, who provides services at the 26 de Julio polyclinic in the capital’s Playa municipality.

The great challenge now is to give continuity to the Family Medicine program, integrating new doctors and nurses, and always attending to individuals as psychosocial beings, the doctor, who has been a graduate for five years, said.

Regarding the Maternal and Child Care Program (PAMI), she explained that it is a fundamental pillar of the primary level, since it follows up the man and the woman from the moment they decide to start a family.

The woman and her child are seen as a whole from the moment they become pregnant, with immunizations, ultrasounds, preventive work and prenatal check-ups.

Through PAMI, she said, the preconceptional risk is taken care of and thus, the healthiest possible pregnancy can be achieved.
