Monday, September 16, 2024
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Number of Palestinians killed by Israeli attacks rises

Ramallah, Oct 30 (Prensa Latina) More than 8,300 Palestinians died and 23,000 were injured in the occupied territories since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on October 7, the Ministry of Health denounced.

In its latest report on the situation, the Palestinian Ministry of Health stated that 8,260 died and 21,000 were injured as a result of the air raids by the neighboring country against the Gaza Strip.

A further 122 were killed and 2,500 injured by attacks by Israeli security forces and settlers in the West Bank.

It detailed that 73% of the fatalities in the coastal enclave are minors, the elderly and women.

The health institution added that in the last 24 days, 1.4 million people fled the Israeli bombardment of which 641,000 moved to 150 centers of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.

Another 700,000 took refuge in the homes of relatives or friends and 121,000 sought protection in hospitals, churches and other public buildings.

The Ministry of Health warned that during that period, 34% of hospitals and 65% of primary healthcare centers ceased to function in Palestine.

There were also 69 attacks on health facilities, 12 of which were out of service, including the International Ophthalmology, Dar Al-Salam, Al-Yemen Al-Saeed, Psychiatric, and Al-Durra Children’s hospitals, it said.

The Ministry revealed that 124 workers in the sector were killed and more than a hundred were injured, while 50 ambulances were damaged by the bombs.
