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China supports Cuba’s sovereignty and calls to end US blockade

Beijing, Oct 30 (Prensa Latina) China supported on Monday Cuba's sovereignty, called for ending the US blockade, and urged Washington to "listen to the just voice of the international community carefully."

In response to a question from Prensa Latina, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin recalled that since 1992, the United Nations General Assembly has overwhelmingly approved 30 consecutive resolutions to put an end to this scourge.

“This shows that the vast majority of the world’s countries are seriously concerned and determined about the indiscriminate use of unilateral sanctions by the United States, which threatens the fundamental human rights of the Cuban people seriously,” Wang stressed.

The spokesperson also called on the United States to end restrictions and the economic, commercial, and financial blockade against Cuba immediately.

“China will continue supporting the Cuban people firmly in its opposition to foreign interference and blockade and safeguarding its sovereignty and national dignity,” he stressed.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez informed a few days ago that the United Nations General Assembly, on November 1-2, will debate and vote on the draft resolution entitled “Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial, and Financial Blockade Imposed by the United States of America against Cuba” .

Rodríguez denounced that since 2019, Washington has escalated those coercive measures to an extreme dimension that has deprived Cuba of the indispensable income to acquire food, fuel, raw materials, and equipment, causing shortages, difficulties, and anxiety to families.

During the most critical times of the Covid-19 pandemic in Cuba, Washington tightened the economic, commercial, and financial siege, a position that the head of Cuban diplomacy described as a cruel and genocidal act.
