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Private Palenque Summit, Mexico, on migration and collaboration

Mexico City, Oct 22 (Prensa Latina) The Summit “For a fraternal and well-being neighborhood” held today by leaders from 12 countries in Palenque, convened by Mexican President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is private.

The fact of determining this limitation, of which the Presidency of Mexico reported through social networks to journalists at the last minute, gives an idea of the relevance that leaders from Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize, Honduras, Haiti , Panama, Costa Rica and Ecuador, grant the transcendent meeting in that beautiful archaeological town in the state of Chiapas.

Palenque is precisely one of the closest places to the possibly main entrance of migrants from Central America, the Caribbean and other latitudes, to enter, after traveling the long Mexican territory, to its northern border and try to cross to the other bank of the Rio Grande.

The rulers of these 12 countries have migration in common, only that some of them, such as Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica, are neither senders nor receivers, but rather transit routes, and Mexico has that triple condition -although the exodus of Mexicans to The neighboring country has greatly diminished during this government- which complicates its relationship with this social phenomenon.

The thesis that the hosts use -and that they are currently discussing in Palenque- is that if the causes that generate the exodus are eliminated, it ends or, at least, loses its obligatory status.

If this objective is achieved -although everyone admits that it is very difficult- the main step would be taken so that emigration is no longer a necessity, but an option, although others go further, and consider that it is best that it not even be that, but a pleasure, because keeping it optional is accepting that the embers of the causes that generate it, remain burning.

However, they admit that it is an enormous achievement to make it an option, but this requires a lot of capital in investments so that the economic and social causes that generate it are defeated.

The obstacle is that no one in the developed world -and they include Europe in this analysis- contributes what is necessary to create a climate of well-being through the creation of employment, decent wages, development opportunities of all kinds for young people, including social and recreational leisure, to separate them from organized crime, drugs and violence.

Given this situation, and the very insufficient action of the United States with the new visa granting regime, López Obrador summoned Palenque at a time when he admitted an increase in the arrival of migrants because Joe Biden’s plan has not reduced the volume of arrivals to Mexico, which is estimated at about 16 thousand daily, through the southern border with Guatemala.

Its idea is to create a kind of good neighborly association between the 12 countries mentioned -hence its name “For a fraternal neighborhood and well-being”- that allows close collaboration aimed at confronting, changing, transforming or defeating as a whole, those main causes that can be eliminated with their own resources, although he revealed that at the Summit he will once again invite the White House to participate.

The plan is already prepared, it just has not been published, but it was discussed this week by the ministers of each of the 12 countries who today deliver the proposal to their leaders, and that partly explains why the meeting is closed to the media.

Surely, there will be information, but rather about the diagnosis of the evil and the formula of its antidote will be reserved until the ideas and their execution flow and do not remain on paper or in the good will of rulers.

The most important thing is that the meeting was organized, that leaders from the 12 countries involved in the exodus participated, although not all were represented by their highest figures, and that individual and collective participation was carried out in a planned manner so that everyone could contribute their part to stop a serious problem whose roots are in a socioeconomic system foreign to their wills.
