Monday, September 23, 2024
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Cuban Culture Day celebrated in Kazakhstan

Astana, Oct 22 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Culture Day was celebrated in the Kazakh city of Almaty, according to the ambassador of the Caribbean nation in the Central Asian country, Oscar Santana, informed Prensa Latina today.

According to the diplomat, the event was held at the headquarters of the Dance Studio of Cuban Frank Valdés, resident in Kazakhstan, and was also attended by the person in charge of Cuban Consular Affairs in that country, Neudys Casanova. Valdés carries out a commendable job of promoting Cuban culture among the young people of the city of Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan, located hundreds of kilometers from the current capital, surrounded by impressive mountains crowned by snow even in summer.

In a night animated by the music and typical dances of the Caribbean island, the Cuban ambassador told those present that the son, the cha-chachá, the rumba and the conga are part of Cuban national identity and it is gratifying to see young people from different cultures, diverse to appropriate these expressions.
