Monday, September 16, 2024
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Paraguayan teachers suspend strike after salary adjustment annulment

Asunción, Oct. 20 (Prensa Latina) Paraguayan teachers called off a general strike on Friday for salary adjustments after announcing the Government will comply with a previous agreement about this issue.

The Economy Ministry will comply with what it signed, as stated by Gabriel Espínola, secretary-general of the Organization of Education Workers of Paraguay-Authentic (OTEP-A).

Espínola recalled OTEP-A’s frustration over essential demands such as the adjustment of basic salary, “a demand they have been fighting for about 20 years,” although he cleared up that they are not asking now for an increase but an adjustment on the cumulative basis of inflation.

La Nación newspaper stated that income improvement would imply the official disbursement, from July 2024 and gradually, the equivalent of USD$30 million to cover as many as 79,600 teachers who comply with different responsibilities nationwide.

Espínola was hopeful about the progress of the demands the teachers long made, such as the professional salary, salary scale for teachers, and retirement.

The union’s decision to suspend the general strike and the mobilizations announced for this Friday followed the commitment made by the Ministry of Education and Science to send an addendum to Congress that includes the adjustment of the professional salary within the 2024 budget.
