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Tribute to journalist Gianni Miná highlights his support for Cuba (+Photos)

Rome, Oct 19 (Prensa Latina) During a tribute to the outstanding Italian journalist Gianni Miná, his defense of just causes was highlighted just as his love for Latin America and permanent support to the Cuban revolutionary process, an organizer of the event said today.

Olga Lidia Priel, president of the Association For a Dwarf Prince (Para un Principe Enano), based in the Italian city of Iesi, in the central region of Marche, told Prensa Latina that the event, held last Wednesday night, reaffirmed the importance of remembering Miná’s work in favor of justice and peace.

Priel, a Cuban living in this European country also stated that the Italian documentary filmmaker Loredana Macchietti, widow of the prominent intellectual, presented her film ‘Gianni Miná, the life of a journalist’ and held a meeting with the participants, in which she highlighted the commitment of the late writer with the truth.

The event, sponsored by the Italian Association for Social Promotion (ARCI), was also attended by Sergio Ruggieri, from the organization Punto Rosso, as well as Giordano Vecchietti, from the anti-fascist group Aicvas, who recalled Miná’s constant condemnation of U.S. attacks against Cuba.

The Cuban ambassador to Italy, Mirta Granda, in a video message, highlighted the close ties that united Gianni Miná with Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro, his close relationship with the Cuban people and his permanent denunciation of the criminal U.S. economic, commercial and financial blockade against the island.

He was always a firm and passionate defender of the Cuban Revolution’, said the diplomat, who also recalled the active participation of the Italian journalist in the campaign for the release of the five heroes of that country unjustly incarcerated in U.S. prisons for their fight against terrorist organizations.

Granda emphasized that Gianni Miná, who was characterized by his high ethical sense, is very much loved in Cuba and the news of his death just seven months ago, on March 27 of this year, caused deep sorrow in the Cubans .
