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President of Honduras highlights the struggle against hunger

Paris, Oct 19 (Prensa Latina) The president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, highlighted the commitment that the national government maintains to addressing hunger and malnutrition in Honduras.

During a speech on Wednesday regarding her participation in the first World Summit of the School Feeding Coalition, the President advocated for a profound change in the food and agriculture system to achieve zero hunger.

She stated that neoliberal policies have privileged trade and amassed wealth but created more inequality and dependence on economies, while social protection has been annihilated in important areas such as education, health, and the struggle against poverty.

The head of state pointed out how social infrastructure stopped being a priority and the fight against climate change, drought, and hurricanes was abandoned, condemning thousands of young people to migrate in search of better living conditions.

“My unalterable determination is in favor of children and the universal rights to food, education, and health,” she expressed.

Castro, who traveled to France at the special invitation of her counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, also mentioned the development in Honduras of the national school feeding project with support from the World Food Program (WFP). According to her, the initiative covers 95 percent of the students in the nation’s public system and has benefited 1.3 million children in over 21 thousand educational centers.

“The national school feeding program has also been developed under a community approach that includes the participation of families, teachers, municipalities, and the linking of local purchases to fully integrate in the shortest time possible, peasant family farming,” she explained.

The Honduran President went on to add that Honduras works together with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization so as to improve the quality of school feeding with a comprehensive and multisectoral approach so as to guarantee foods with greater nutritional content.
