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China and Cuba strengthen computer science ties

Camagüey, Cuba, Oct 19 (Prensa Latina) After the recent inauguration of the Hebei University of International Studies (UEIH) in China, specialists from the University of Camagüey, Cuba, exchanged today with UEIH on Computational Sciences.

According to the report of the Department of Communication of the first university center founded by the Cuban Revolution, the first steps are already on the ground between Cuban institutions and China.

“Computer Science experts from Cuban universities and the Computing Institute of the University of International Studies of Hebei, China, developed an exchange on the study plans of computer science profile careers,” reports the publication on social networks.

The project that began to take shape in April 2019 with the University of Camagüey as leader and the participation of other Cuban counterparts, and the sponsorship of the Ministry of Higher Education, is central to one of the fields of science that has advanced the most in the last decade.

At the event, according to the portal of the University of Camagüey, Yailé Caballero, professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Exact Sciences, presented the Computer Engineering Degree that is taught in higher education centers in Cuba.

“This degree with its Study Plan E, has in its design subjects such as Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Web Programming, Network Administration, Introduction to Data Science and Bigdata, Configuration Support and Management, Interface Design, among others” .

On the 16th, Caballero herself pointed out at the opening of the University on Asian soil that:

“This project has the commitment and great challenge of contributing to social development from Artificial Intelligence (AI), in areas such as biotechnology and biomedicine, the environment, renewable energy, the quality of life of the elderly, precision agriculture , industry 4.0 and telecommunications”.
