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Cuban residents in Costa Rica praise conference on migration

San Jose, Oct 16 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban residents in Costa Rica on Monday praised the upcoming The Nation and Emigration Conference, a meeting they described as necessary to strengthen ties among emigrants.

Members of the Antonio Maceo Cultural Association of Cuban Residents in Costa Rica agreed that the event, scheduled for November 18-19, will be a reunion of Cubans living in different nations.

According to Association President Juan Mesa, after several years without holding the event, it returns now to update and continue to strengthen ties.

Several of its members will attend the Havana meeting, the fourth since the first one in 1994, followed by those in 1995 and 2004. All of them will bring their concerns and make suggestions to deepen relations with Cubans living abroad.

While denouncing how much the blockade imposed by the United States for more than six decades affects Cuba’s economy and social development, the members of the group, including entrepreneurs and professionals from different sectors, expressed their willingness to support their homeland, which is currently going through one of its deepest crises.

At the meeting, we want to express how we can collaborate to attenuate the present economic situation in the country, they stated.

The Nation and Emigration Conference resulted from the so-called Dialogue of ’78, which was one of the Cuban Government’s first approaches to emigration, nearly two decades after the triumph of the Revolution in 1959.

The three previous meetings marked different stages and contexts.
