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Venezuela ratified its solidarity with the people of Palestine

Caracas, Oct 13 (Prensa Latina) The government of Venezuela ratified its vocation of solidarity with the people of Palestine and demanded compliance with the resolutions adopted by the United Nations, on the seventh day of attacks against the Gaza Strip.

During the closure of an event on occasion of the Day of Indigenous Resistance and the Decolonization of America, President Nicolás Maduro pointed out that the “Bolivarianism” of the 21st century cannot remain silent in the face of injustice. “We have never remained, nor will remain silent. No one will silence us,” he stressed.

Maduro denounced the immense injustice that is being committed against the people of Palestine: “the massacre of that people, the massive violation of the rights to life, to land, to self-determination (…) From Venezuela, we ratify our vocation of solidarity with the people of Palestine, with the truth, and we demand a ceasefire, an end to the bombings and a negotiation based on the United Nations agreements.”

The head of state called to respect the resolutions of the Security Council and the UN General Assembly and to fulfill the agreements established in 1967 regarding the existence of two States, with East Jerusalem as the capital.

“We cannot remain silent,” Maduro asserted, and stressed that Venezuela has been on the front line of solidarity in the face of every massacre of the Palestinian people since the ruling of “our beloved commander Hugo Chávez (1954-2013) (…) We are defending a historic country,” Maduro emphasized. “Enough of the massacre of the Palestinian people, we want peace, we want equality, we want agreement, we want two States, we want respect for the lives of people.”

The Bolivarian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Yván Gil, called urgently for a ceasefire, the creation of a humanitarian corridor and an end to the blockade and siege against the population of the Gaza Strip during yesterday’s videoconference with his counterpart of the Palestinian National Authority, Riyad al-Maliki.

Gil stated that al-Maliki informed him about “the serious situation” in the Gaza Strip in the face of the genocide carried out by Israel in a territory populated by more than two million inhabitants, and announced that the Bolivarian Republic, together with other countries, “are coordinating with the Palestinian authorities a humanitarian logistical support” for the civilian population affected by the hostilities of the State of Israel.
