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Niger Junta gives top UN official 72 hours to leave the nation

Niamey, Oct 11 (Prensa Latina) Niger military junta has given the United Nations coordinator 72 hours ultimatum to leave the country.

The military leaders accused the UN of excluding Niger from its General Assembly last month.

Niger’s new government did not have a representative at the meeting of world leaders in New York.

In a statement dated October 10, Niger’s foreign ministry accused the UN of using “underhanded manoeuvres” instigated by France to prevent its full participation in the UN General Assembly and in subsequent meetings of UN agencies that were held in Vienna and in Riyadh.

However, the foreign ministry said that the government had ordered Louise Aubin, the UN’s resident and humanitarian coordinator, “to take all necessary measures to leave Niamey within 72 hours”.

The military regime has already criticised “the perfidious actions” of the UN chief, saying that they were “likely to undermine any effort to end the crisis in our country”.

Bakary Yaou Sangare, who before the coup was Niger’s ambassador to the UN and is now its foreign minister, was the new leaders’ chosen representative for the gathering.

But, according to a diplomatic source, there was also an application by the overthrown government to represent Niamey.

The decision to expel the UN official comes as France is withdrawing its 1,400-strong contingent in Niger after being ordered out by the coup leaders.

Burkina Faso expelled its UN resident coordinator last year and Mali ended a UN peacekeeping mission that had been there for a decade.

All three countries are struggling with an Islamist insurgency that has spiralled in recent years, prompting power grabs by army officers who promised to improve security.

The coups have been accompanied by accusations that France exerts too much influence in its former colonies and a shift toward Russia as a strategic partner instead. France has denied exercising undue influence.
