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Dominican analyst describes Israel’s reaction as beastly

Santo Domingo, Oct 11 (Prensa Latina) Dominican political analyst Felipe Ciprián on Wednesday described Israeli Prime Minister Benjamín Netanyahu´s reaction as bestial, following the Hamas attack in recent days.

For 75 years, Zionism (not Judaism) has brought death, terror, looting, destruction of schools, houses, hospitals, roads, agricultural lands; erected walls, blockades and selective assassination of Palestinian political and spiritual leaders, said Ciprian who considered that the arrogance consented, stimulated and supported by the “western democracies” is the direct progenitor of a Palestinian resistance pushed in multiple ways to defend its territory, weapons in hand, in the face of Israel’s mockery of all UN resolutions.

He recalled that the creation of this Middle Eastern country in 1948 was followed by the war waged against the Arab states neighboring Palestine, the appropriation of their lands and the massive expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians deprived of their homes and property.

Today, he pointed out, over five million Palestinians are refugees, despite the fact that UN Resolution 194 of 1948 recognizes the “right of return and compensation of Palestinian refugees” from that conflict, as well as their descendants.

The analyst indicated that Israel, with its Nazi-Zionist practices, turned Gaza into the largest prison on Earth, “hell on Earth”, as declared by the UN Secretary-General (UNSG) Antonio Guterres.

Ciprian argued that Gaza is home to nearly two million people, most of them children and adolescents, besieged by air, sea and land, lacking everything materially necessary to live, but full of dignity and will.

Blockaded for 20 years, Palestinians only have the choice of facing their Zionist executioner to the death or letting themselves be annihilated without a battle by an ideologically Nazi gendarme that has never shown any compassion.

Dignified men and women, Palestinians or from any other corner of the Earth have the obligation to resist and fight heroically for the lives of their children, for the respect of their women, against the abuse of seeing tractors destroying schools and houses, the plundering of their lands, the murder of their young people and the bombing of their cities.

In this regard, Ciprian stated that the Palestinians expelled and systematically beaten by the Israeli regime, with the unconditional support and permanent encouragement of the American and European rulers, have never accepted these outrages. They have always resisted and responded, Ciprian said, to the disproportionate political, diplomatic and military aggressions of Zionism, insofar as, he pointed out, their limited forces and support have allowed them to do so.

The Hamas attack on Israel was hours of astonishment, death, anguish and pain, but above all the resounding fall of a myth constructed by the media of the supposed condition of an “invincible Israeli army”, which crumbled in a matter of hours by little more than a thousand infantry fighters, without tanks, planes, helicopters….

Ahead of this military humiliation, as consummate genocidaires, Ciprian pointed out, the Zionists responded again with their old practice.

Netanyahu promised to “take Gaza back to the stone age” and immediately began the destruction of all civilian infrastructure.

His regime’s spoils of war, he wrote in Listín Diario, could not be more dramatic: more than 800 civilians massacred, half of them women and children. “A modern bombing of uncontrollable extermination and supported by the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Germany and their vassals.”
