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La Jornada editorializes on devastating Israeli response in Gaza

Mexico City, Oct 9 (Prensa Latina) Under the title Gaza in the global context, Mexican newspaper La Jornada editorializes today about Israel's devastating response in that strip and the violation of Palestinian rights.

The newspaper points out that Israel’s brutal response to an attack by fundamentalist groups, and the rapid escalation of the conflict, add an explosive ingredient to the already unstable world panorama.

It warns it must be considered that the most recent reactivation of the old Palestinian-Israeli conflict occurs against the backdrop of the war between Russia and Ukraine, geostrategic tensions in the China Sea, hostilities in Yemen between factions backed by Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Furthermore, he adds, to the tangled panorama in the countries that share the Kurdistan region –Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkiye– the chaotic political situation prevails in several nations of sub-Saharan Africa.

Also with the electoral rise of the extreme right in several European countries and the crisis that the United States is going through, where presidential elections are approaching, fraught with risks of overflow.

If in less conflictive circumstances the international community has not been able to push the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians towards a just solution for both parties and a negotiated peace, the current global tension weakens action in this regard twice.

In particular, the governments and supranational organizations that should have agreed decades ago to become factors of peace in the Middle East: the United States, Russia, the European Union, the Arab League and Iran, among the main ones.

Additionally, he adds, the most recent escalation between Hamas and the government of Israel adds a highly explosive point on the planetary map to those that already exist in the United States’ rocky relations with Russia and China, which multiplies the danger of a large-scale confrontation whose consequences are best not imagined.

Since 1967, both the General Assembly and the Security Council of the United Nations have been issuing more than fifteen resolutions to achieve a formula for coexistence between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples.

However, such determinations have been systematically ignored by the Tel Aviv regime, which has not only festered the conflict, but has undermined the authority of the international organization, whose Security Council has lacked the political will of Washington, Paris and London to make them binding.

Today it is more necessary than ever to insist and press towards the only possible solution for coexistence between Palestinians and Israelis:

Recognize and apply the right of the former to establish their national State in the entire occupied West Bank, in Gaza, with the eastern portion of Jerusalem as the capital, recovering the territorial demarcation that existed until the 1967 war.

With this, Israel would have to give up many of the territories that it has been illegally occupying since then, but it would gain something much more important: the certainty of its national security and lasting peace for its population, concludes La Jornada editorial. ef/ro/lma