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Panama establishes new migratory measures at airports

Panama City, Oct 2 ( Prensa Latina) Panama established today new migratory controls at airports and other formal entrances to the country, in an effort to contain the boom in irregular migration, as announced last September.

Samira Gozaine, director of the National Migration Service (SNM), said the operational adjustments will focus on a study of the passengers’ profile, which will be carried out by means of an interview with the officer of that entity at the border points.

She said that the measure will not affect tourists, executives or investors, as it seeks to prevent the entry of illegal travelers who may be victims of organized crime networks.

According to Gozaine, the action is intended to prevent the entry of people who try to reach Panama and whose analysis determines that they could be irregular migrants or citizens who enter to work without complying with the required formalities.

The SNM had previously pointed out that among the new measures also stand out the reduction from 90 to 15 days of the stay for tourism and the increase of the requirement of economic solvency to be shown from 500 to 1,000 dollars, which raised criticism from sectors associated with the tourism industry.
