Sunday, September 15, 2024
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Guatemalan indigenous authorities to protest

Guatemala City, Oct 2 (Prensa Latina) Guatemalan indigenous authorities from the recognized 48 cantons of the western department of Totonicapán and social organizations, will protest in various parts of the country following the new actions of the Public Ministry (MP).

The ancestral organization and the population united in what they called a national strike for an indefinite period, will take to the streets to reiterate the request for the resignation of Attorney General Consuelo Porras; the head of the Special Prosecutor’s Office against Impunity Rafael Curruchiche; prosecutor Cinthya Monterroso, Judge Fredy Orellana and other actors involved in the persecution against the judges of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), as well as those in constant harassment against the Semilla Movement party (which won widely in the elections), as well as journalists, activists and justice operators.

The 48 cantons also defined their disagreement with legal initiatives that threatens the health and well-being of Guatemalans: transgenic seeds and another reason to go on strike is the oil exploitation by the Franco-British transnational company Perenco.

According to the organizers, the protesters will mobilize in at least 13 points of the capital, and will arrive at the Public Ministry headquarters and the Constitutional Court at different times.

The representatives of the Electoral Observation Mission of Guatemala issued a statement saying that they support the social movements that protect and defend constitutional guarantees.

President-elect Bernardo Arévalo returned to Guatemala early on Sunday due to the political crisis caused by the raid by the Special Prosecutor’s Office on the TSE and the theft of election records with the use of violence. “In the face of the assault by the Public Ministry, we must all unite, active and strong in the defense of each of the votes, of democracy, of the Constitution,” he called and asked to remain aware of the steps to follow from now on, in open reference to any popular mobilization or legal action before the corresponding courts.

Members of the Semilla party, led by Vice President Karin Herrera, took a walk last Saturday and collected signatures to deliver them along with a letter to the Constitutional Court. “Never before in our democratic history has a State institution been used to deny the people the right to be governed by the people whom they have chosen freely and autonomously,” Herrera asserted. “Let us motivate the people of Guatemala to exercise their right to protest and peaceful demonstration in defense of democracy,” she urged.
