Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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Cuba remains committed to safe and orderly migration

Havana, Oct 2 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban Government on Monday repeated its firm commitment to safe and orderly migration, and noted the danger and life-threatening conditions that illegal departures from the country represent.

This position is reaffirmed by the Cuban Government amid the dismay over the fatal car accident that occurred on Sunday in the Mexican state of Chiapas (southwest), where 10 compatriots were killed and more than 20 were injured.

Immediately, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, and Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez expressed their condolences to the families and friends of the victims, and urged them to use safe, orderly and legal means to emigrate.

Cuban authorities instructed their diplomats in the city of Veracruz to coordinate the required consular assistance with Mexican authorities.

According to press reports, the incident occurred when a truck carrying 27 people of Cuban nationality overturned on the Pijijiapan-Tonalá coastal highway, in the state of Chiapas (southwest), presumably due to high speed.

The use of these means of transportation without the conditions required for the transfer of people is frequently used by migrants who desperately try to leave Tapachula (south of the state of Chiapas) to reach Mexico City and thus avoid lengthy immigration procedures to move through that area of the country.

This is the second accident that has occurred in Chiapas since the last week. On September 28, two migrants were killed and 38 were injured when a trucked rolled over in the municipality of Mezcalapa.

In recent weeks, the flow of people from various nationalities who follow extremely dangerous irregular routes through Central American countries to reach the United States has increased.

In Cuba’s case, departures are stimulated from the United States by groups of Cuban emigres due to a policy by the US Government that hinders immigration agreements between the two countries, puts economic pressure on Cuba and, on many occasions, offers privileges to those who arrive illegally.

The Government of Miguel Díaz-Canel has systematically charged that a more rational policy by the United States and comprehensive compliance with immigration agreements would contribute to reducing irregular, disorderly and unsafe emigration drastically.

The Cuban Foreign Ministry has repeatedly called for a more normal migration, including temporary visits between the two countries, which would also contribute to reducing the migration potential, while favoring communication between families.

According to sources from the Cuban Foreign Ministry (MINREX), non-compliance with the commitment to granting a minimum of 20,000 visas annually since 2017, and the unjustified closure of consular services by the US Embassy in Cuba, which was recently corrected, have caused a significant accumulation and growth of migration potentials.

The reinforcement of the economic blockade since 2019 has aggravated the situation. Havana maintains a consistent position in favor of regular, orderly and safe migration and to that end, several bilateral agreements have been signed with the United States since 1980, the MINREX stressed.

According to the Cuba information website, Mexico is on its way to establishing a new record in refugee applications during this year, which far exceeds 129,000.
