The existence of the respective files accredited this central territory to applying scientific and technological activities in order to bolster and house research institutions and intensive enterprises.
That geographical concentration includes entities such as Mechanic Plant “Fabric Aguilar,” Materias Primas (Raw Materials), Empresa de Automatización Integral (CEDAI) (Comprehensive Automatization Company), Ciclos Minerva, Industria Nacional Productora de Utensilios Domesticos (INPUD) (Domestic Industry of Household utensils), Textil Sarex Company, UEB Maquimotor, Poligrafico Enrique Núñez, as well as SICTE Company at Central University Marta Abreu de Las Villas.
Previously, there were already projects of this type in Havana and Matanzas, but the inclusion of Villa Clara’s industries in the project constitutes a unique novelty in the nation.