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Ecuadorians repudiate attack on the Cuban embassy in the US

Quito, Sep 25 (Prensa Latina) Ecuadorians today expressed their solidarity towards Cuba after the terrorist attack perpetrated against the island's embassy in the United States.

The Communist Party of Ecuador strongly condemned these acts that violate the sovereignty of the state, the Cuban people and their Revolution.

In a message signed by its secretary general, Winston Alarcón, the political organization assures these events threaten the peaceful coexistence of the international community.

The Coordinator of Solidarity with Cuba of the province of Imbabura also condemned the event that occurred last night at the diplomatic headquarters of the Caribbean nation in the US capital.

“Our solidarity with the embassy´s officials. We demand that the weight of the law be brought against the aggressors. #NoAlTerrorismo,” the group wrote on platform X, formerly Twitter.

The Ecuadorian political analyst and columnist for the Correo del Alba magazine, Luis Ernesto Guerra, described the attack perpetrated against the Cuban embassy as “insane and treacherous”.

Likewise, the former diplomat of this Andean nation Juan Meriguet recalled that protecting diplomatic security and that of its personnel is the task of the Executive of the host country.

The United States government must end the anachronistic genocidal blockade and respect the sovereignty of Cuba, Meriguet added.

For the president of the Coordinator for Peace, Sovereignty, Integration and Non-Interference (CPAZ), Yumac Ortiz, those who carry out these attacks are “mercenaries of the empire” and she expressed her solidarity with the Cuban president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez and the people of the island.

In the same sense, María Chacha, vice president of the Ecuadorian Coordinators of Friendship and Solidarity with Cuba and representative of Ecuadorian graduates in the Antillean nation, as well as the Peoples of America Foundation, spoke out.

In the absence of argument and reason, terror is the answer. My unconditional solidarity with Cuba, stressed the former Ecuadorian legislator and former diplomat, María Augusta Calle.

On Sunday night, September 24, an individual threw two Molotov cocktails at the diplomatic headquarters, reported Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez, who stressed this was the second violent attack against the representation, after the shooting that occurred in April 2020, which caused material damage to the property.

The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, condemned the incident and demanded responses from Washington in this regard.

According to official data, at least 581 acts of State terrorism have occurred against diplomatic representations of Cuba since the triumph of the Revolution in January 1959.
