Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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Cubans, Latin Americans in Belgium condemn attack on Cuban embassy

Brussels, Sep 25 (Prensa Latina) Cubans and Latin Americans residing in Belgium today repudiated the attack the day before against the island's embassy in Washington D.C. and warned about the responsibility of the United States in the face of this terrorist act.

In a statement, the Association of Cuban Residents in Belgium attributed the action, which generates international condemnation, to the impotence of the anti-Cuban sectors that on US soil fail in their attempt to silence the voices of those who demand the end of the blockade against Cuba. Antillean nation and its exclusion from the unilateral list of countries sponsoring terrorism.

He framed the attack perpetrated by an individual with two Molotov cocktails in the discomfort over the successful trip of the president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, to New York, where he carried out an intense agenda in the context of the high-level segment of the General Assembly of the ONU.

The organization highlighted, in particular, the president’s meetings with Cubans living in the United States, which he described as acts of love, solidarity and unity.

For its part, the Latin American Solidarity Coordinator in Belgium called to denounce a vile and cowardly act.

In his statement, he affirmed that Washington bears great responsibility for allowing terrorist groups to operate on northern soil and for not sufficiently protecting the island’s embassy.
