Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Chile slams terror attack on Cuban embassy in Washington

Santiago de Chile, Sep 25 (Prensa Latina) The Solidarity with Cuba movement, personalities and Chilean friends on Monday expressed their strong rejection to the terror attack on the Cuban embassy in Washington.

“This attack is the result of nonstop hatred speeches launched by the Miami right-wingers and also supported by different US administrations”, according to a statement sent to Prensa Latina.

The blind and mean-spirited violence encourages us to continue fighting and condemning such reprehensible incidents, the document stated.

“The battle of ideas will be the victory of the heroic Cuban people and their Revolution,” the note concluded.

The 2019 National Architecture Prize-winner Miguel Lawner, on the other side, expressed his strong condemnation of this attack which adds to permanent and unjustified aggression and blockade imposed by the United States on the Cuban people and government.

Sunday´s night an individual tossed two Molotov cocktails over the perimeter fence of the Cuban embassy.

According to the Cuban Foreign Ministry (MINREX), the incident caused no damage to staffers.
