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Russia demands an end to sanctions against Cuba, Syria and Venezuela

United Nations, Sep 23 (Prensa Latina) Russia demands that Western countries immediately lift the economic sieges against Cuba, Venezuela and Syria, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of that country, Sergei Lavrov, stated here today.

When speaking in the general debate of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, the foreign minister specified that “we continue to insist on the immediate and complete end of the commercial, economic and financial blockade of the United States against Cuba, unprecedented for its inhumanity”.

“Washington must abandon its policy of economic strangulation of Venezuela without preconditions. We demand the lifting of the unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union on Syria, which undermine the right to development,” he added.

The head stressed that the behavior of the West represents a flagrant violation of the principle of sovereign equality of States.

“Countries that are victims of illegal sanctions, and there are more and more of them, know very well that restrictions primarily harm the most vulnerable population groups and cause crisis phenomena in the food and energy markets,” he continued.

“Any coercive measures imposed by circumventing the UN Security Council must end, as well as the practice of manipulating sanctions policy to put pressure on the unwanted,” he added.

Later, the Russian Foreign Minister stated that the United States and its European allies make commitments and do not fulfill them, they are an “empire of lies.”

Lavrov also drew attention to the idea expressed by many speakers that “the planet is undergoing irreversible changes.”

“A new world order is being born before our eyes,” he noted.

“The contours of the future are being built in a struggle between a global majority that advocates for a more equitable distribution of global goods and civilizational diversity, and the few who employ neocolonial methods of subjugation to cling to their dominion that is slipping from them” , he added.

“A kind of calling card of the collective West was for a long time the rejection of the principle of equal rights and the complete inability to reach an agreement,” summarized the head of Russian diplomacy.
