Monday, September 16, 2024
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President of Palestine calls on UN to fulfill its responsibilities

Ramallah, Sep 21 (Prensa Latina) Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas urged UN Secretary General António Guterres to protect civilians in the occupied territories and force Israel to fulfill its international commitments, the Wafa news agency reported.

Wafa reported that Abbas and Guterres held a meeting on the sidelines of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

During the talks, Abbas reiterated the need for the UN to “fulfill its duties towards the Palestinian people by providing them with international protection” and to implement Security Council resolutions, the source said.

The news outlet reported that Abbas also called on Guterres to force Israel to comply with all agreements signed with the Palestine Liberation Organization and stop unilateral measures.

The president detailed Israel’s recent crimes in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

According to Wafa, Guterres expressed his hope that the Palestinian issue will be solved and that the Palestinian people will obtain their legitimate rights, including the creation of an independent state. He also confirmed that he will visit Palestine late next month, and considered it a priority to support the United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Middle East, which is facing financial difficulties.
