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Argentina: candidates for vicepresidents held debates

Buenos Aires, Sep 21 (Prensa Latina) A debate, held on Wednesday, between the candidates for vice presidents of the five parties that will compete in the general elections on October 22nd in Argentina, was focused on inflation, security, work, the role of the State, the defense of human rights and the impact of the debt with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The exchange between Agustín Rossi (Unión por la Patria, UP), Victoria Villarruel (La Libertad Avanza, LLA), Luis Petri (Juntos por el Cambio, JXC), Florencio Randazzo (Hacemos por Nuestro País) and Nicolás del Caño (Frente de Izquierda y de Trabajadores Unidad) was broadcasted on national television and lasted nearly two hours.

Rossi accused Villaruel of denying the crimes against humanity perpetrated during the last dictatorship (1976-1983) and of having links with genocidaires, such as Jorge Rafael Videla (1925-2013). “It is tragic that 40 years later, we have a denialist party (…),” he said

He also assured that there are two possibilities in the elections: “either we go towards the future or we return to the past (…) Some defend the recent past, that of Macrism, debt, recession and unemployment. The others want to go further back, they defend the dictatorship, torture, the theft of children, they want to privatize public education and health (…) We propose a different path, one of growth with social inclusion, recovery of the purchasing power of wages, and maintenance and expansion of individual and collective rights,” he said, and promised that a Government led by Massa would work to pay and expel the IMF brought in to the country by Macri.

In turn, Petri promised a Western and federal capitalist plan, focused his interventions on attacking the followers of Cristina Fernández and Néstor Kirchner, and stressed that JxC will not allow social protests to take place. He also criticized the LLA’s proposal to dollarize the economy, eliminate the Central Bank and privatize education.

On his part, Randazzo reiterated that inflation is the main problem that Argentina currently has, and advocated to increase production and productivity.

Del Caño defended the rights of women and workers and highlighted the need to continue fighting for memory, truth, justice and against deniers like Villarruel. He also advocated for the protection of workers, increased wages, comprehensive sexual education, equality, reducing working hours and not following the impositions of the IMF.
