Monday, October 07, 2024
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Chile condemns at G77 Summit the hostile U.S. blockade against Cuba

Havana, Sep 16 (Prensa Latina) The Chilean delegation at the G77+China Summit on Saturday strongly condemned the blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba as well as the inclusion of Cuba in the unilateral States Sponsoring Terrorism (SST) list.

During her speech, Chile´s Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation Minister Aisén Etcheverry claimed that equality among States and respect for international law do not allow the imposition of unilateral coercive measures.

My country, she added, has been consistent in its rejection of the blockade against Cuba and we will continue to draw the attention of the international community to the illegality and irrationality of this measures against an entire country.

She also recalled the words of the Chilean President Gabriel Boric during the recent Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States-European Union, where he described as unacceptable to declare Cuba as a country that sponsors terrorism.

This objection, she said, “we reiterate it again in this Summit”.

The official acknowledged Cuba´s solidarity when, after the 1973 coup in Chile, it extended its hand to those who were persecuted and, together with other nations present in the room, offered them opportunities for their successful integration.

In other matters, Etcheverry referred to Chile’s presidency of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), from where, she said, efforts will be made to make science and technology tools for sustainable development, with emphasis on the Global South.

We have top priorities, said the minister, including addressing geopolitical tensions and conflicts and progressing in debating on the existing gaps in the international financial architecture.

She also praised the significance of the G77+China in establishing how and how much progress is being made in matters of global interest, and also stressed her confidence that under Cuba’s presidency of this mechanism, social issues will be adequately analyzed within the United Nations.

The group’s voice will be important to position its priorities and needs in forums such as the UN Summits of the Future and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in 2024 and 2025, respectively, he said.

Aisén Etcheverry said that in order to achieve the SDGs, access to and use of scientific knowledge, existing skills and technology transfer on a global scale must be promoted for the benefit of developing countries.
