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Book on Fidel Castro’s visit to Vietnam launched in Cuba (+Photo)

Havana, Sep 13 (Prensa Latina) The Latin American news agency Prensa Latina on Wednesday launched the book "Fidel Castro, Nuestra sangre por Vietnam" (Fidel Castro, Our Blood for Vietnam), on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the first visit of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution to Vietnam.

The book launch is part of Cuba’s tributes to commemorate the historic event that became a milestone in bilateral relations, when Fidel Castro became the first and only world leader to visit the recently liberated areas in South Vietnam. Prensa Latina President Luis Enrique Gonzalez said that the 76-page book, which resulted from collaboration with the Vietnam News Agency (VNA), contains dozens of images, most of which were unpublished or little known, and articles by renowned journalists from Prensa Latina, who witnessed the event.

At the meeting, Cuban Ambassador to Vietnam Fredesman Turro spoke about episodes of the Cuban revolutionary leader’s journey, and did not hesitate to describe Fidel Castro’s meeting with the Vietnamese people as an apotheosis, which, he said, fulfilled a shared desire and sealed the nature of bilateral ties.

Fidel Castro’s visit to the liberated zone had a great impact on the Vietnamese leadership and population, and boosted the world’s solidarity movement with Vietnam, which was attacked by the United States, journalist Jorge Luna, co-author of the book, together with Víctor Carriba, noted.

At the meeting, Vietnamese Ambassador to Cuba Le Thanh Tung said that the event is celebrated in his country with special affection, and thanked Cuba for its support in the reconstruction efforts from the devastation caused by the war imposed by the United States.

He underscored the importance of the book for the education of new generations of Cubans and Vietnamese in the feelings of brotherhood and collaboration, consolidated at difficult times by Fidel Castro and Ho Chi Minh.

The Vietnamese diplomat praised the close working ties between the Prensa Latina and VNA news agencies, and thanked the Ocean Press publishing house for its collaboration in the materialization of this project, which contributes to further strengthen the ties between the two countries, the ambassador noted.
