Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Government of Colombia and EMC-FARC begin preparatory meeting

Bogotá, Aug 31 (Prensa Latina) The Peace Delegation of the Government of Colombia and representatives of the Central General Staff of the FARC (EMC-FARC) begin a preparatory meeting with a view to the imminent peace dialogue.

According to the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace, the meeting is held within the framework of the enlistment phase for the Peace Talks Table between the parties, it will have a closed and confidential character, and will count with the presence of international witnesses, of the Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches.

The agenda of topics to be discussed will be agreed upon at the beginning of the meeting with the purpose of reaching basic definitions that may allow progress with adjustments of protocols of respect for the civilian population, of a ceasefire, and towards the installation of Talk Tables.

“We reiterate that the national government only maintains currently a Peace Dialogue Table, which is developed with the ELN, and three spaces for socio-legal conversation for urban peace, in Buenaventura, Quibdó and Medellín,” the institution pointed out, and stated that the national government maintains communication channels with the FARC, although there are no formal peace talks with a number of irregular groups.

The Office of the High Commissioner for Peace stressed to all the communities and organizational processes that continue to suffer from the conflict that the government supports them and protects their hope with its presence and with different peace initiatives that it promotes in the territories.

It also highlighted that the government of President Gustavo Petro persists in dialogue efforts to find peaceful solutions to armed violence that has stained the country with blood for decades.
