According to the director of the Provincial Center of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology, Andres Villar, treating drinking water with 0.1 percent hypochlorite is of vital importance under these circumstances.
In statements to the local El Guerrillero newspaper, the official explained that this product, which is on sale in pharmacies, is administered at a rate of three to four drops per liter of water and after half an hour, the water is ready for consumption.
The specialist also recommended that the population use of disinclor and aquatabs tablets, used for water disinfection, purification and treatment. These substances are available in all areas where water is not chlorinated.
He also explained that state sanitary inspectors are working on the certification of tanker trucks, which require adequate chlorination for consumption by the population.
Villar pointed out that his institution called on food processing centers in the province to prepare only the food that will be consumed on the day as a preventive measure against possible food poisoning.