Monday, September 16, 2024
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Chilean teachers strike for socioeconomic improvements begins

Paro docentes chilenos
Santiago de Chile, Aug 29 (Prensa Latina) The Chilean teachers started an indefinite strike seeking answers from the government to an eight-point list of demands, which includes payment of the historical debt and better working conditions.

According to the plan published on the webpage of the College of Teachers, a concentration is scheduled for today in front of the Palacio de La Moneda, headquarters of the Executive; and demonstrations will take place in all regions of the country.

The teachers are demanding a solution to a debt generated during the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990), when their salaries were lowered, which also affected the amount of their pensions. They also demand labor improvements, the payment of overdue bonuses, an end to violence within the school grounds and the burden on teachers, the revision of the school workdays and changes to the education financing model.

According to the union’s president, Carlos Díaz, the strike will take place despite the meeting on Monday with the Minister of Education, Nicolás Cataldo. “We expressed to the minister that during this time of negotiation, which have lasted over a year, we have not seen the sense of urgency our demands require, which are directly related to concrete improvements in education in our country,” said the union leader.

According to Díaz, the latest response to the list of requests sent by the Ministry is insufficient.

“The minister promised to send a proposal and, according to the content of the issues raised, we will start a consultation process again,” Díaz said.

This is the third indefinite strike called by the union in recent months.
