Carcassés will invite the audience to celebrate his 85th birthday with outstanding musicians such as César López, Maraca, and the Sintergia Jazz Collective Group. Under the title “Celebration,” Carcassés will play “Summertime” by George Gershwin, his pieces “Abuela” (Grandma), “Veras Blues,” “El ruiseñor” (The Nightingale), and “Green Dolphin” by Waltz and B. Caper, La Papeleta’s website reported.
“Afroancestros” (Afro-ancestors) by Belinda Guerra, “Qué sabes tú” (What Do You Know) by Mirta Silva, and “Obsesión” (Obsession) by Pedro Flores are other works that he will performed in his concert, as well as “Manteca” by Chano Pozo and Dizzy Gillespie, “Vuelo del Moscardón” (Flight of the Bumble Bee) by Rimsky-Korzakof, and “Drume Negrita” (Sleep My Little Black Baby) by Ernesto Grenet.