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Supplies of F-16s to Ukraine brings nuclear war closer, DPRK warns

Pyongyang, Aug 25 (Prensa Latina) The United States is pushing the Ukrainian crisis to the brink of a nuclear war by delivering F-16 fighter jets to the Zelenski regime, the Defense Minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Kang Sun Nam, warned on Friday.

Quoted by the state-run KCNA, Kang recalled that Washington also supplies Ukraine with a wide assortment of lethal weapons, including internationally banned cluster bombs.

Denouncing that the US repeatedly violates Russia’s interests and strategic security, the North Korean Minister noted that the Ukrainian crisis is the obvious result of the US Government’s intention to maintain its universal hegemony.

Kang repeated the DPRK’s full support and solidarity with the Russian people “in the just cause of defending their sovereign rights,” and expressed his conviction that Russia will achieve the final victory “by overcoming all trials and difficulties courageously.”

He recalled, on the other hand, the growing presence of the United States in Asia and its intentions to use South Korea and Japan as “bulletproof shields” in its designs to beat Russia, China and the DPRK itself.

The DPRK is ready to prevent military conflicts, but also to respond with overwhelming and preemptive armed countermeasures,” the Defense Minister stressed.
