Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Israel’s missile strike near Damascus kills four Syrian soldiers

Damascus, Aug 7 (Prensa Latina) An Israeli missile strike against positions near the Syrian capital killed four soldiers and injured four others.

The Ministry of Defense issued a statement saying that the missiles were launched from the occupied Syrian Golan; the antiaircraft defense intercepted some. The ones that slipped past the defense also caused material damage.

This is the seventeenth attack perpetrated by Israel this year; the previous one took place on July 26 on various positions of the Internal Security Forces, in the town of Al-Qahtaniya, province of Quneitra, some 70 kilometers to the southwest of Damascus.

Ten attacks were launched on Damascus and its surroundings, three were aimed at the Aleppo airport in northern Syria, one hit the Messiaf municipality in Hama province, and five were targeted at the Homs governorate.

Israel attacks Syrian territory frequently under the pretext of striking Iranian targets, while Damascus claims that the strikes cause casualties among the civilian population, are intended to prolong the war, keep the country unstable and weaken the national army.
