CUT National Counselor Carlos Insunza said that the goal to collect 2.7 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) through taxes will allow solving crucial issues, among which he mentioned the urgent reform of the pension system to give pensioners a dignified life, strengthening public health care, currently weighed down by long waiting lists in hospitals and clinics, and ensuring citizen security.
Insunza considered it essential to know what are the mechanisms to counter tax evasion and prosecute those who fail to comply with their obligations in an adequate and effective manner.
The issue, together with the principle that those who have more should pay more, forms part of the core of the plan presented on Tuesday by President Gabriel Boric in a disadvantaged commune in this capital.
Regarding the latter point, Insunza stressed that the income tax reform is aimed at a fairer and more progressive collection, and stated that the CUT will take a position to strengthen the Government’s proposals and that the resources obtained are used to improve the economy of families suffering from insufficient wages and income.