Monday, September 16, 2024
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Signatures to be collected of Trump victims in Venezuela

Caracas, Aug 2 (Prensa Latina) The Special Commission that will identify the scope and responsibilities of former US President Donald Trump's confessions against Venezuela announced today a process to collect signatures from victims of punitive actions against the country.

The president of that body, Pedro Infante, reported it this Wednesday during a working session and announced that the signatures of the citizens affected by the attacks and unilateral coercive measures will be recorded before international organizations.

At the end of last month, the Commission requested a 30-day extension to deepen the investigations into the national and international, natural and legal persons responsible for and involved in the siege and consequences against the South American nation.

Infante pointed out that the final report is 90 percent prepared and once completed it will be delivered to the Board of Directors of the National Assembly (parliament), in order to determine those responsible for these events.

He mentioned that the US blockade today affects the Simón Bolívar Foundation, which is prevented from receiving resources to care for children who require bone marrow transplants.

The deputy affirmed that the attacks of the US government have a social face and asked how many schools, hospitals, treatments and vaccines the State stopped paying attention to because of the blockade and sanctions, according to a press release from Parliament.

Infante stated that the Donald Trump administration (2017-2021) had as a strategy to provoke the political and economic collapse of Venezuela, for which he attacked the oil industry and damage the country’s income capacity with the attack on the national currency, among other actions.

The legislator pointed out that the imperial strategy did not have the support of the “conscious and mobilized people”, and stressed that President Nicolás Maduro had the courage to make Venezuela respected before the world through the different international bodies such as the Organization of the United Nations.

The Commission’s investigations were divided into four or five parts and include the determination of the crimes committed, national and international culprits, and the proposal of a group of actions from Parliament, in coordination with the public powers of the State.

Infante mentioned a few days ago eight crimes committed against the country by “political figures and leaders of the Venezuelan opposition,” which violated various articles of the Constitution, the Penal Code, and national laws.
