Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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Citizen Revolution will recover the Ecuadorian homeland

Paris, Aug 2 (Prensa Latina) The candidate to the Ecuadorian National Assembly for Europe, Asia and Oceania Gustavo Mateus asserted today that the Citizen Revolution 5 (RC5) movement will return the homeland to dignity in a country hit by neoliberal governments.

In reality, the governments of Lenín Moreno and Guillermo Lasso have been indolent with the reality and the suffering of Ecuadorians inside and outside the country, he stressed in statements to Prensa Latina, regarding the early general elections to be held on August 20.

According to Mateus, the appointment at the polls will represent the opportunity to recover the economic and social gains of the decade won under the leadership of Rafael Correa (2007-2017), one of the figures of the Citizen Revolution persecuted in recent years through the judicialization of politics or Lawfare.

Among the serious problems affecting our people is insecurity, with the right to life under permanent threat, he denounced.

In this sense, he highlighted the priority outlined by the RC5 Luisa Gonzalez-Andrés Arauz binomial to restore the tranquility of the citizens, as well as the value of work.
