Saturday, September 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
Bandera inglesa
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name of Prensa Latina



Another Quran burning scheduled to be staged in Stockholm

Stockholm, Aug 2 (Prensa Latina) Police in the Swedish capital of Stockholm have authorized a demonstration on August 3 that will feature burning of the Quran, the Svenska Dagbladet newspaper reported.

The organizer has stated that her goal is to show that religion is also part of politics.

“I hope that the whole world will hear this message because it’s crucial to recognize that religion is a political thing,” the woman said.

Earlier, a burning of the Quran took place during a police-authorized demonstration in downtown Stockholm on June 28. Salwan Momika, a 37-year-old Iraqi immigrant, tore pages from the Quran and set the Islamic holy book on fire.

On July 20, Momika and another organizer, Salwan Najem, kicked the sacred book in front of the Iraqi embassy in Stockholm. On July 31, Momika once again burned pages from the Quran outside the building of the Riksdag, the Swedish parliament.

These activities drew a highly negative reaction from governments and publics alike in Muslim countries. Hate-incitement charges were brought against the organizers following the demonstrations.
