Thursday, September 19, 2024
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The Syrian people will not tolerate the occupation of the US

Damascus, Jul 31 (Prensa Latina) Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Al-Mekdad said that they will not tolerate indefinitely the illegal presence of US forces in their country's territory.

Commenting on the US presence in the strategic border region of Al-Tanef in the east of the country, Al-Mekdad considered that the Pentagon has turned this zone into a bastion and is the origin of terrorist organizations to destabilize Syria.

He also denounced that Washington continues to plunder the oil and deprives the Syrian people of this wealth and other more vital ones such as wheat.

He pointed out that the Arab people are fed up with the US authoritarian practices, which seek the continuation of the Israeli occupation of the Arab territories.

He denounced that the US forces support the terrorists in Syria and demanded their immediate departure.
