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France denounces dirty war against Cuba

Paris, Jul 25 (Prensa Latina) The French association Cuba Linda denounced today the dirty political, economic and media war being waged by the United States against Cuba, congratulated on the eve of its National Rebellion Day.

The organization created in 1998 to promote bonds between the two countries through travel, in a statement sent to Prensa Latina, celebrated the anniversary of the events occurred on July 26, 1953.

Those actions set the path for the triumph of the Revolution and the search for a socialist, fair and solidary society, despite the fierce economic war by the United States, which has subjected Cuba to a criminal blockade and permanent destabilization actions for more than 60 years, he stressed.

The association paid tribute to Fidel Castro (1926-2016) as leader of the generation of the centenary of the birth of Cuban National Hero José Martí, a group of young people who carried out the armed attacks and highlighted the cuban’s resistance.

On the occasion of the 70th of the events ocurred on July 26th, Cuba Linda recognized the response of the inhabitants of Cuba country in front of Washington’s hostility and in defense of its sovereignty.
