Monday, September 16, 2024
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Ethiopia, African nations to assess cooperation with Italy

Addis Ababa, Jul 24 (Prensa Latina) Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Monday held talks with the leaders of Italy, Djibouti, Somalia and Kenya in order to establish areas of common interest for a structured cooperation among the countries.

The meeting was held during a working lunch in Rome, in addition to Ahmed’s attendance to the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment (UNFSS +2 Stocktaking) which will be held from July 24-26.

Abiy Ahmed attended the International Conference on Development and Migration Sunday. Given its strategic stance in Africa, Addis Ababa is a source, passage and destination for the transit of people, the source said.

With this status in mind, the government adopted several policy, legal and institutional measures to improve migration governance as well as to address irregular migration and human trafficking.

“While labor migration is a source of employment and livelihood for migrants, and a resource for their country of origin, it is necessary to address irregular migration and human trafficking at the root through investments and clear actions to mitigate poverty in the countries of origin,” Ahmed live-tweeted.
