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Madrid to host EUROLAT Parliamentary Assembly

Madrid, Jul 20 (Prensa Latina) Madrid will host from Monday the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EUROLAT), which will analyze the EU-CELAC Summit.

It will start the day after the general elections in Spain, which will mark the arrival of a new right-wing government or the continuity of the current left-wing one. The details of the event, released on Thursday, highlighted that on July 24 itself, His Majesty King Felipe Sixth will receive the European and Latin American delegates.

This will be the 15th EUROLAT meeting, scheduled for July 24-27 at the Spanish Senate headquarters, which will focus on the analysis of the summit between the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), concluded this week in Brussels.

The 150 members of EUROLAT – 75 MEPs and 75 representatives of Latin American and Caribbean parliaments – will begin to meet on Tuesday in thematic segments (human rights, political affairs, security, economy, climate change, crime, terrorism, among others).

Although yet to be confirmed, the opening speech at the inauguration on July 26 will be given by the then Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez.
