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ECLAC analyzes challenges in universal health coverage

Santiago de Chile, Jul 19 (Prensa Latina) The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) will hold an international seminar at its headquarters in Chile to analyze the experiences and challenges of different countries regarding universal access to health.

Despite global advances in terms of health coverage in recent decades, there are still major barriers that prevent the extension of this service to the entire population, the agency warned.

The deficiencies occur between countries and within them, with vulnerable populations being the most affected.

Given this reality, ECLAC recommends strengthening Primary Health Care, increasing spending in the sector, and prioritizing the allocation of resources to the first level of care.

According to the World Health Organization, strengthening these measures, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, could save 60 million people and increase life expectancy by 3.7 years by 2030.

The seminar will be divided into three panels: “The main challenges of health systems”, “Primary care to move towards universal coverage”, and “The articulation between health systems and social protection”.

Representatives from Guatemala, Chile, Mexico, Colombia and Brazil, as well as members of the Social Development Division of ECLAC, the French Development Agency and the Health and Social Protection division of the Inter-American Development Bank will participate in the event.
