Thursday, September 12, 2024
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Cuban Parliament’s working commissions debate social issues

Havana, Jul 19 (Prensa Latina) Before the first ordinary session period of Cuba's National Assembly of People's Power (Parliament), the permanent working commissions focus are on issues of social interest.

On Wednesday, each commission will analyze its duties, and the lawmakers will receive preparation to debate the issues of the year’s second semester.

The Economic Affairs Commission will discuss the effectiveness of the measures taken to control prices, strengthen accounting, and the current situation of foreign investments.

Youth, Childhood, and Women’s Equal Rights Commission will discuss the implementation of the Family Code and the measures to control the recreational activities planned for the summer period in the country’s municipalities.

The Agriculture and Food Commission will assess the fulfillment of the general objectives and goals of the Economic Plan for 2023, the prevention and confrontation of crime, corruption, illegality, and social indiscipline in the agricultural sector.

The report on the liquidation of the State Budget in 2022 will be under discussion in the Constitutional and Judicial Affairs Commission. In addition, the information on decrees, laws, and agreements of the Council of State is expected to be approved.

The results to verify the compliance with the Plan of Measures from recommendations conducted in the high audit of the Ministry of Construction and the information about water supply to the population by the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources, will be announced in the Industry, Construction, and Energy Commission.

The debates at the Local Bodies Commission will focus on verifying the Municipal Assemblies and their work from January to May 2023.

The Education, Culture, Science, Technology, and Environment Commission will discuss the 3rd National Education System Training Course and its updating to monitor and manage science in each municipality.

The Health and Sports Commission will debate the results of the verification of the State Budget in the health and sports entities.

The Attention to Services Commission will assess the objectives and goals of the Economic Plan in the Ministries of Tourism and Communications, until the 2023 first semester.
