Monday, September 16, 2024
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43rd Ordinary session of AU Executive Council begins in Kenya

Addis Ababa, Jul 13 (Prensa Latina) The 43rd Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU) Commission begins in Nairobi, Kenya, to prepare the fifth Mid-Year Coordination Meeting of the political organization.

The ordinary session will last until Friday; representatives of the Member States, the Regional Economic Communities, Regional Mechanisms and associated international organizations will take part in it, according to the program disclosed by the AU.

The coordination meeting will take place on July 16, under the Union’s motto for this year “Acceleration of the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area”.

Both meetings will review the state of regional integration in Africa, as well as the reports on the AU Reform and the work of the member countries and their associated structures.

They will also evaluate the status of the implementation of the free trade area and the 2063 Agenda for the next 10 years, the decisions and legal instruments, and identifying areas of cooperation and establishing regional, continental and global collaboration mechanisms in each sector or subsector.
