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President Putin thanks SCO for its support during attempted rebellion

Moscow, Jul 4 (Prensa Latina) President Vladimir Putin thanked the leaders of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), who expressed their support for the Russian authorities during the recent attempted armed rebellion.

Putin, who participated via videoconference in the meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO member countries, stated that Moscow intends to continue deepening ties with the members of the entity so that they are strong and multidimensional.

The Russian leader also expressed that the SCO is firmly committed to the formation of a truly just and multipolar world order, which would be based on international laws, on universally recognized principles of cooperation between sovereign states, with a central role for the UN.

“A hybrid war is, in fact, now being waged against us, using illegitimate anti-Russian sanctions unprecedented in their scale. I would like to highlight the fact that Russia is and will confidently resist external pressures, sanctions and provocations,” the President said.

Putin also stated that Russia advocates the speedy conclusion of the accession process of the Republic of Belarus to the SCO, and said he is convinced that the incorporation of a strategic partner and close ally of Russia will have a positive impact on the association activities.

The Russian President went on to add that the Islamic Republic of Iran will participate in the organization with full rights, and sincerely congratulated his counterpart Ebrahim Raisi for that.

“In less than two years, our Iranian partners completed all the necessary formalities, and now our common task is to help our colleagues to integrate effectively into the multifaceted work carried out within the framework of the SCO,” Putin added.
