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Syria criticizes UN resolution on missing persons

Damascus, Jun 30 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian Government on Friday rejected the resolution approved by the United Nations General Assembly on missing persons, which it described as politicized and interfering.

Syrian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Bassam Sabbagh expressed this position, released by the press in Damascus, after a resolution entitled “Independent Entity on Missing Persons in Syria” was adopted.

It is another evidence to continue the hostile approach to some Western countries, headed by the United States, which led a small group of countries disconnected from the reality in Syria to present the preferred resolution, the diplomat stated.

The official pointed out that the report, presented by the General Secretariat on missing persons, and the subsequent discussions were based on a selective approach that ignored the need to consult with the national Government and include it in this entity.

Sabbagh said that the countries sponsoring the resolution intend to use it to interfere in Syria’s internal affairs and exert more pressure.
