Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Small business owners struggle to make rent – Report

Washington, Jun 29 (Prensa Latina) Close to 40% of small business owners in the United States have been struggling to make their payments on time, according to a new survey released Thursday.

Plus, more than half of small-businesses owners polled by the small business network Alignable reported their rent was higher in June than it was six months ago. Some noted their rents have increased by 20%.

Alignable’s June Small Business Rent Report is based on responses from 4,801 randomly selected small-business owners polled between June 5-27, along with data from 18 months of previous surveys.

The latest figures follow more than a year of rising inflation and increasing interest rates that have occurred as small businesses attempt to recover losses incurred during the pandemic.

Alignable found that over 60% of these businesses have yet to earn the monthly revenue they made before the onset of Covid-19. And more than half earned less than they did this time last year.

The poll also showed that minority-owned small businesses are having a tougher time than any other demographic group surveyed.

These small businesses experienced a record high 58% delinquency rate in June — 17% higher than the rate in February.
