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World Forum on Cities and Territories of Peace begins in Bogota

Bogota, Jun 27 (Prensa Latina) Bogota receives from Mexico City the IV edition of the World Forum of Cities and Territories of Peace.

It is a scenario for dialogue and collaborative work focused on building solutions and institutional and social tools, which may contribute to the construction of sustained peace in cities, territories and communities.

This will be a space for the meeting of local governments, international organizations, civil society, academia and the private sector to advance in a conversation about the conditions that must be in place for peace, based on social justice, environmental justice and human security.

The event will be developed along five thematic axes: Territorial peace, Environmental peace, Women, peace and security, Transition towards citizenship of peace and finally A new social contract for care.

This fourth version takes place after those developed in Mexico City (2021) and Madrid (2018 and 2017) and will be two days of experience exchanges, networking and appropriation of knowledge for the collective construction of sustainable peace in the territories.

It will be attended by 400 participants, including mayors, governors of the world, human rights defenders, national and international social organizations, international cooperation, academia, representatives of subnational governments and activists.
