Thursday, September 19, 2024
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Support for Cuba in the US grows

Washington, Jun 26 (Prensa Latina) There could have been 300 or 500 participants in the march to the White House, but beyond the numbers, it is worth mentioning the effort in sectors of the United States that today demand a change of policy towards Cuba.

It is worth mentioning the young people. Many of them came to Washington, DC, from different US cities, from coast to coast.

Others had the recent experience of having visited the island for the first time and were captivated, as happened to Miledys Guzman, who “as a West Indian, half Dominican, half Puerto Rican”, decided to “get to know this beautiful people” about whom distorted information or half-truths are spoken.

Guzman is a medical graduate and traveled from New York, as did Pastor Dolimar Lebron, whose energy is impressive, especially when she talks about Cuba.

The same goes for Mayan Hennemeyer, a member of the duo Afrodélica, who said she “can’t fit that much love in her chest to give to Cuba”.

Together with her young son, she paraded through the streets of this capital city asking Joe Biden’s government to lift sanctions, eliminate the blockade and let the Cuban people live.

For Roberto Yis, of the Bridges of Love movement, “this is p’alante y p’alante”.

Coming from Miami, Yis anticipated that the caravans against the blockade will continue with greater force on the weekends of each month.

Meanwhile, María Alejandra Rincón, from Colombia, another of the participants in Sunday’s event, told of her arrest when they tried to speak with New Jersey Senator Robert Menéndez.

Along with Gail Walker and Calla Walsh, co-chairs of the National Network in Solidarity with Cuba (NNOC), she was detained and “it was horrible.

They called 25 police just for the three of us who were sitting in the senator’s offices waiting to talk, but they didn’t really want to hear from us about the Cuba issue,” she said.

But no way, because we will always continue to fight in solidarity with Cuba, she stressed.

The march and rally in front of Biden’s house, called by NNOC, closed seven days of activities in support of Cuba in the United States.

Shortly before starting the march from the Monument to the Liberator Jose de San Martin to the executive mansion, a large mosaic of 100 panels was mounted with the reference to the exclusion of Cuba from the unilateral list of State Sponsors of Terrorism.

And yes, there were many expressions of support for Cuba in the last seven days, from knocking on the doors of senators to the passage of a resolution in the New York City Council urging Biden and Congress to lift the blockade.

But, unfortunately, none of this made the news here in the mainstream corporate media.
