As reported by that authority on his Telegram channel, the Russian army has learned to operate in difficult conditions and has made significant progress, especially in the north of the republic.
Pushilin also highlighted that the Ukrainian forces began a kind of regrouping in the direction of Ugledar after the significant losses they suffered both in manpower and in equipment during their counter-offensive.
“The intensity of the fighting has decreased significantly there, but shelling and the use of artillery by the enemy continue. However, the situation is under control,” Pushilin stressed.
Ugledar is located southwest of Donetsk and constitutes an important logistic hub, which, if captured, would open opportunities to attack Ukrainian positions and stop the supply of the Ukrainian Armed Forces operating in the direction of Marinka.
Pushilin recalled that the Ukrainian forces shells the western part of the city of Donetsk from Ugledar.
The southern and eastern areas of the city is already under the control of the Russian forces.